Higher Education Strategic Brief Template

Developing a strategic brief is a crucial step for higher education institutions seeking to align their resources and efforts with their long-term goals. A well-crafted strategic brief provides a clear roadmap for decision-making and ensures that all stakeholders are working towards a shared vision for the future.

Using a higher education strategic brief template can streamline the process of creating a comprehensive and effective strategic brief. These templates typically include sections for defining the institution’s mission, vision, and values, as well as for identifying key challenges and opportunities. They also provide a framework for developing strategic goals and objectives, and for outlining the strategies and actions that will be implemented to achieve those goals.

higher education strategic brief template

Creating a Comprehensive Strategic Brief

A comprehensive higher education strategic brief should include the following key elements:

  • Executive Summary: Provides a concise overview of the strategic brief and its key recommendations.
  • Institutional Context: Describes the institution’s mission, vision, values, and current strategic priorities.
  • Environmental Scan: Analyzes external and internal factors that may impact the institution’s future, such as demographic trends, technological advancements, and competitive pressures.
  • SWOT Analysis: Identifies the institution’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Strategic Goals and Objectives: Outlines the long-term goals and specific objectives that the institution aims to achieve.
  • Strategies and Actions: Describes the specific strategies and actions that will be implemented to achieve the strategic goals and objectives.
  • Performance Metrics and Evaluation Plan: Identifies the metrics that will be used to measure the progress towards achieving the strategic goals and objectives, and outlines the plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the strategic brief.

Engaging Stakeholders in the Strategic Planning Process

Engaging stakeholders in the strategic planning process is essential for ensuring that the strategic brief is aligned with the needs and aspirations of the entire institution. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as:

  • Surveys and Focus Groups: Gathering feedback from stakeholders through surveys and focus groups can help identify key issues and concerns.
  • Workshops and Retreats: Bringing stakeholders together for workshops and retreats can facilitate in-depth discussions and the development of shared understanding.
  • Communication and Outreach: Regularly communicating with stakeholders about the progress of the strategic planning process and sharing key findings helps maintain engagement and support.


A higher education strategic brief template provides a valuable framework for developing a comprehensive and effective strategic plan. By following the steps outlined in this article, higher education institutions can create a strategic brief that will guide their decision-making and ensure that their resources are aligned with their long-term goals.

Regularly reviewing and updating the strategic brief is essential for ensuring that it remains relevant and effective in a rapidly changing higher education landscape. By engaging stakeholders and incorporating feedback into the planning process, institutions can create a strategic brief that is owned and supported by the entire community.