Corporate Identity Brief Template

A corporate identity brief is a crucial document that defines the essence of your brand. It outlines the key elements that shape your brand’s identity, helping you establish a consistent and recognizable presence across all touchpoints.

By using a professional corporate identity brief template, you can ensure that your brand’s core values and aspirations are effectively communicated to designers and other stakeholders. This will streamline the brand development process, resulting in a cohesive brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

corporate identity brief template

Key Components of a Corporate Identity Brief Template

A well-structured corporate identity brief template should cover the following key components:

Brand Identity: This section defines your brand’s core identity, including its name, mission, vision, values, and personality. It should articulate the essence of your brand and what it stands for.

Target Audience: Identify your primary target audience and their demographics, psychographics, and behavioral patterns. This information will help shape your brand’s messaging and communication strategies.

Brand Attributes: Describe the desired attributes and qualities of your brand. Consider its personality, tone of voice, and visual style. This section will guide designers in creating a brand identity that aligns with your desired positioning.

Messaging Strategy: Outline your messaging strategy, including your brand’s key messages, slogans, and communication channels. This will ensure that all your brand communications are consistent and effective.

Design Guidelines and Brand Standards

Your corporate identity brief should also include detailed design guidelines and brand standards. These will ensure consistency and cohesion in all aspects of your brand’s visual identity.

Logo Design: Provide specifications for your brand’s logo, including its sizing, color palette, and usage guidelines. The logo is the cornerstone of your brand’s visual identity, so it’s essential to ensure its effectiveness and versatility.

Color Palette: Define the official color palette of your brand, including its primary, secondary, and accent colors. The color palette plays a vital role in creating a memorable and distinctive brand image.

Typography: Specify the approved fonts and typefaces for your brand’s communication materials. Typography is a powerful tool for conveying your brand’s personality and creating a visual hierarchy.

Imagery Style: Provide guidelines for the types of images and photography that align with your brand’s identity. This includes considerations such as style, mood, and composition.

Brand Voice and Messaging: Establish a clear brand voice and messaging style for all written and verbal communications. The brand voice should be consistent with the brand’s personality and target audience.


By using a comprehensive corporate identity brief template, you can provide clear and concise guidance to designers and other stakeholders, ensuring that your brand’s identity is effectively and consistently implemented across all touchpoints.

Remember that your corporate identity is not a static document but rather a living and evolving entity. As your brand grows and evolves, so too should your corporate identity brief. Regular updates and reviews will ensure that your brand’s identity remains relevant and aligned with your business objectives.