Media Release Brief Template

A media release brief is a concise document that provides journalists with the essential information they need to write a story about your organization or event. It’s a critical tool for getting your message out to the public, so it’s important to create a well-written and informative brief. Here’s a media release brief template that you can use to get started.

Before jumping into a “media release brief template”, let’s establish its structure and relevance. A media release brief typically includes the following information:
-Headline: A brief, attention-grabbing summary of your news announcement.
-Dateline: The city and date where the news announcement is being made.
-Introduction: A few sentences that provide more detail about your news announcement.
-Body: The main body of your news release, which should provide all the essential details about your announcement.
-Boilerplate: A brief description of your organization or company.

media release brief template

What to Include in a Media Release Brief

When writing a media release brief, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, make sure your brief is clear and concise. Journalists are busy people, so they don’t have time to read long, rambling briefs. Get to the point quickly and efficiently.

Second, make sure your brief is newsworthy. Journalists are only interested in stories that are new, interesting, and relevant to their audience. If your brief doesn’t meet these criteria, it’s unlikely to get picked up.

Third, make sure your brief is accurate. Journalists rely on the information in your brief to write their stories, so it’s important to make sure that everything you say is factual. If journalists find out that you’ve misled them, they’re unlikely to trust you again.

Finally, make sure your brief is well-written. A well-written brief will be easy to read and understand. It will also be free of errors. You can increase your brief’s chances of getting picked up by taking the time to proofread it carefully.

How to Distribute a Media Release Brief

Once you’ve written a media release brief, you need to distribute it to journalists. There are a few different ways to do this. You can email your brief to journalists, mail it to them, or fax it to them.

If you’re emailing your brief, make sure to include a catchy subject line. You should also personalize your email to each journalist. Let them know why you’re reaching out to them and why you think your story would be of interest to their audience.

If you’re mailing your brief, make sure to include a cover letter. In your cover letter, you should introduce yourself and your organization and explain why you’re sending the brief.

If you’re faxing your brief, make sure to include a cover sheet. On your cover sheet, you should include your name, contact information, and the date.


Writing a media release brief is a great way to get your message out to the public. By following the tips in this article, you can create a brief that is clear, concise, newsworthy, accurate, and well-written. This will increase your chances of getting your story picked up by journalists.

Remember, a well-written media release brief is an essential tool for getting your message out to the public. By following the tips in this article, you can create a brief that will get your story noticed.